Owners Information
Be Found!
Get your unit in front of renters who will see it as “perfect” for them.
Be found by renters wanting exactly what your unit offers.

APARTMENT ConNeXTion Method:
Better renter search experience.
Fast, efficient way to target rentals with all their "must have" features.
Full information lets renters choose without calling owners for basic info.

Renting Made Simple!
Standard Format:
All the details to decide "I want to live here!" before calling you.
All standard renter questions answered in the same place on every listing.
Descriptions are written in a consistent "walking tour" sequence.

Complete information in a side-by-side comparison format.
All listings display and sort equally in the same format.
Easy to see and compare saved My Selections.

Sophisticated Search:
30 Smart Search fields, 10 popular search Pre-Sorts, plus multiple keyword text search.
Targets rentals that meet all their “must-have” features.
Focus on the differences between units meeting their criteria.
Email notification for similar units as they become available.

Smarter Search, Better Results
APARTMENT ConNeXTion 18 Year history giving renters the fastest search on the most criteria.
Large and small owners consistently report that APARTMENT ConNeXTion delivers:
- Renter inquiries with the highest leasing probability
If your unit does not meet basic “must-have” criteria, all contact time is wasted.
We provide enough information to decide they want to rent your unit.
Renters contact you for showing appointments instead of unit information questions.

- Longer average occupancy term
Saves on turnover vacancy loss
Saves on paint & repair expenses
= Increased cash flow
- Better quality renters
High-quality shopping renters know exactly what they want to rent.
Shopper renters love our search features.
The prospective renter market can be divided into equal thirds:

Need to rent something today. Usually, a relationship move. May “shotgun” 100+ listings. Account for 65% to 80% of all renter inquiries.
New to the community. Looking for a decent place, but not focused on the “perfect” home.
Immediate and Relocation renters have strict deadline dates. They search every rental listing source simultaneously to meet that deadline.
Looking for a place to call “home.” Content to wait several months to find their “perfect place." Typically lease longer term, take better care of their unit and pay promptly.
Basic Organization: Side-by-side display by rent.
New Listings: Pre-sort tab for new or changed in the last 30 days.
My Selections: Email notification of new similar listings.
Smart Search: Quick check for personal "must-have" features.

Virtually every active renter searches APARTMENT ConNeXTion.
Every month our engaged unique visitors (averaging 12+ minutes per session, visiting 10+ pages, using Smart Search and saving in My Selections) equals the number of actual rental unit turnovers in our primary markets. Most active renters search on apartmentconnextion.com.
Every renter searching our website will see your available rental if it meets their basic “must-have” criteria.
- Saves your time by connecting you with renters who want to rent your unit.
- Cuts turnover to save releasing costs and repair expenses.
- Delivers a better quality renter.
- Connects you with virtually every moving renter.
Advertising Prices
APARTMENT ConNeXTion moves prospective renters as far along the decision process as possible before they contact you. We answer the common amenity questions in the fully searchable "checkbox" formatted listing section. Unlike other services, we also describe the unit in our extensive "walking tour" narrative to help renters see how the physical space fits for them.
APARTMENT ConNeXTion renters know your unit meets their "must-haves." They actually want to see it instead of asking questions to decide if they should see it, or not. You spend much less time on phone calls and showings with people who are not going to rent your unit. APARTMENT ConNeXTion generates renters instead of lookers.
We put all the critical decision information in the original listing display. The renter only clicks the “more information” link only on listings that already satisfy their “must-have” criteria. A click on your listing typically represents an active, self-qualified renter truly interested in your rental. Active renters average four listing clicks per comprehensive search session. During the last year, the average listing received 16 weekly “more information” clicks.
These "more information" clicks by comprehensive search renters form the basis for our listing service fees. APARTMENT ConNeXTion is the only rental listing service with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) pricing. You only pay for the interest your listing generates on the website. Under our PPC pricing of $1 per click, you will never pay more than $1 per day (even if your listing gets 400 clicks during the month). However, if rented and canceled after 10 days the cost is just $10. The maximum single listing cost is the lower of $1 per click or $1 per day online.
Preferred Listing
The best connection to renters who want what your rental offers
Online Standard Listing Display
Complete standard format comparison information
- 30+ searchable featured amenity fields
- We write "walking tour" description for you
- Photo array in "walking tour" order and labeled by room
Online "More Information" Page
Where renters engage with their listing selections
- Location map, social share, email owner form, additional description text, interior photos, and floor plans
- You can post up to 18 interior photos plus floor plans
- We resize and crop for optimal presentation and fast full-size display
Pay-Per-Click Rate
per click to your listing
"more information" page
invoiced by calendar month
Monthly Maximum Charge
$1 per day online
(10 day minimum)
Next Year Campus Listing
Preferred Listing runs during the school year until rented.
- Available summer (Jun 1 - Sep 1) of next school year
- Located within a mile of a college campus
- Listing effective September through May
- 10 listings or more? Call 855-699-RENT (7368) for volume discount
Fixed Monthly Fee
August 1 - May 31
High visibility "For Rent" signs
- Heavy-duty corrugated vinyl with steel stake
- Double-sided with your phone number
- Smartphone QR link to your listing
with Preferred Listing
Navigate to
Yard Sign Orders
Professional Interior Photos and Floor Plans
Optimize your rental listing More Information page
- We shoot the photos & draw the floor plan
- Fixed fee for these services
call or email
855-699-RENT (7368)
Display Advertisements
Effective "top of mind" image advertising
- Featured listings page on our website
- Link to your property or management company website
- Discounted listing rate
- Ad image link visible in user listing view stream multiple times for an engaged user
- 2,700 average monthly ad image impressions and 185 clicks to your featured page
call or email
855-699-RENT (7368)
Property Brochures and Mailers
Professional print & email marketing services
- We design high-quality print marketing to promote your property and reinforce your renter contacts.
- Quality photos, floor plans, logos, and description & features text in an attractive brochure that lets prospective renters know you are a top tier owner/manager.
call or email
855-699-RENT (7368)
Competitive Rental Market Analysis
Maximize your rental income
- Appraisal style market comparable rental analysis
- Drawn from our extensive rental market database history
- Purchase, refinancing, renovation, and portfolio maximization
- Explore individual unit pricing options to enhance property income.
call or email
855-699-RENT (7368)
For a free personal rental advertising consultation call or email
855-699-RENT (7368)
Create New Listing
Please fully and accurately complete New Listing form to assure best renter response. Listings are for a single unit or unit style. Please submit separate form for a different style and/or rent amount.
After we process and verify your listing, we will email a confirmation with listing management directions.
855-699-RENT (7368)
Prompt reply during business hours
After we process and verify your listing, we will email a confirmation with listing management directions.
Yard Signs
We provide FREE high quality, high visibility 24" x 18" yard signs for your Preferred Listings.
They have your 10-digit phone number on double-sided corrugated vinyl with heavy-duty metal stand. (Comparable sign & numbers at Home Depot, Lowe's, or Menard's is about $25.)
The yard signs include a smartphone QR code that links to your online listing.
The code is programmable, so you can switch it to another unit listing.
You will receive your sign via UPS about a week after receipt of your order.
Management companies and apartment communities can have a name or logo added to the sign.
After we process and verify your listing, we will email a confirmation with listing management directions.
(855) 699-RENT (7368)orders@apartmentconnextion.com
Prompt reply during business hours
Digital Images - Tips & Requirements
Enhance your listing with quality images:
Renters' top additional information requests are interior photos and floor plans.
The "more information" link in your listing automatically includes an enlarged exterior photo, location map, social share links, and email owner form. You may add up to 18 interior photos plus floor plans.
Digital image requirements:
- Set camera to large image size: 5 MB preferred, but not less than 1 MB. Most recent cameras and phones can take 5 to 20 MB photos.
- Landscape mode only (width greater than height - 5:4 letterbox or 1.6:1 widescreen).
Please do not use super widescreen (width 2X greater than height) or fisheye effects. - Do not resize - send large size from high quality camera setting in .jpg file format.
- The minimum submission includes Living Room, Kitchen, each Bedroom & Bathroom.
Exterior photo tips:
- Sun behind you, so it lights up the front of the building.
- East-facing building in AM, West-facing in PM, South-facing anytime.
- North-facing building just before sunset, after sunrise, or on an overcast day.
Interior photo tips:
- Vacant is best. No resident clutter. Shows renter what they would see on a site visit.
- Noon hours or overcast days to avoid direct sun through windows.
- Turn on all lights, open & straighten all blinds and drapes, close toilet seats, remove all clutter (tools, cleaning supplies, etc.).
- Turn on your camera flash.
- Shoot from a low (kneeling) position to emphasize depth.
- Like this
- NOT like this
- Shoot to the corner and be sure the corner is vertically straight.
- Like this
- NOT like this
Floor Plans:
Many of today's renters grew up viewing the 3-D word in two dimensions (video screens & games). They can easily translate a floor to visualize the space.
We will turn any dimensioned & scaled drawing (builder plans to hand-drawn graph paper sketch)...
. . . into a professional floor plan for your listing More Information page.
Image Upload Instructions:
- Login with your account # (see Manage Existing Listings below) and find the listing for your photos.
- Bring up the "more information" display by clicking the listing photo or icon.
- Click the "Upload" button.
- You will click through three separate upload steps:
- New exterior photo
- Interior photos (up to 18)
- Floor plans (up to 3 levels)
Each is a separate upload step and may be skipped by clicking the "Continue" button.
Please be sure to identify the rooms in the fields under each interior photo once they are uploaded.
We may crop the images and assemble in our standard "walking tour" order.
Manage Existing Listings
- Enter your Account # in the field below - Your Account # is below your address on your last invoice and on your listing confirmations; it consists of letters and/or other characters with no spaces.
- Choose to display all your listings or just the current active ones - Your listings will be displayed in ascending rent order.
- The Smart Search feature works on your listings when they are displayed on your login page. Use the Street Name field to enter the street number or street primary name (1040 or Main) to see all your listings with the indicated address number or street.
- Click on the listing photo or "I" icon to see the more information display - Click the "Change" button and type your changes into the text box.
- Click "Save Changes"
Changes in by 5:00 PM uploaded the next weekday morning. We review all changes for accuracy and Equal Housing Opportunity compliance.
Owner Testimonials
Most of our display advertisers have marketed their properties through us for many years. The fact that these large apartment communities and big professional property management companies consistently use APARTMENT ConNeXTion to market their rentals is a testimonial to our effectiveness.
APARTMENT ConNeXTion gives small owners a rental marketing opportunity that had been traditionally available only to large apartment communities and property management companies. Your listing is displayed right next to the big owner's ads in the same listing format.
Comments from a few of our small owner advertisers appear below:
Our new tenants from Kansas City want me to pass along how useful the Apartment ConNeXTion web site was in searching for a place in La Crosse. They were able to rank their selections, and our house was at the top of their list.Dean Slindee (1 Executive House and 1 duplex)
Rented in just two days online. Got a good, qualified tenant. APARTMENT ConNeXTion works great every time!
Jim Allen (4 duplexes)
I work full time and operate my rentals in my spare time. I really could not do it successfully without APARTMENT ConNeXTion. They do a fantastic marketing job for me. Renters have seen their description and interior photos before they call. So I only spend time with people who actually want to rent my unit.
Craig Helke (9 units, 6 buildings)
My only advertising over the past 10 years has been with APARTMENT ConNeXTion. I was a bit nervous last summer with 3 openings coming up. They advised me to increase the rents above where I suggested. All three rented promptly with no vacancy time. I had lots of inquiries and was able to pick good tenants for all units. Absolutely love their service.
Leah Larson (4-plex owner)
We listed our condominium several times with APARTMENT ConNeXTion. It always rents quickly. The last two times we rented it without any showings. They saw the description and inside pictures online, called us from out-of-town, said they wanted it, and paid the deposit as soon as we approved their applications. It couldn't be easier.
Donald Meyer (single condominium owner)
APARTMENT ConNeXTion works all the time, so I use it all the time. It really is simple!
Warren Pope (6 units, 2 buildings)
Connect with Every Renter
APARTMENT ConNeXTion Rental Guide was founded in 2002 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Our plan was simple: Give renters information about available rentals in a convenient, consistent, well organized, side-by-side comparison format. Renters gravitated toward our rental marketing service, just like homebuyers flocked to the MLS®. Heavy renter use and appreciation of our rental marketing services created the best advertising value for rental owners.
APARTMENT ConNeXTion is a locally owned business dedicated the highest quality service for renters and owners. We created the best renter search experience. This gives owners the best connection to people who want what they have to rent. Virtually every serious renter searches for their next rental home on apartmentconnextion.com. In established markets, our actively engaged online renter searches* exceed the number of rental turnovers. (* Average 12+ minutes, visiting 10+ pages, used Smart Search, and saved listings to My Selections.)
APARTMENT ConNeXTion provides a complete rental marketing service. We gather sufficient information from you to create the most effective marketing for your rental. Over 18 years in this business, we have talked to thousands of renters and tracked responses to tens of thousands of monthly listings. We understand the renter decision process and know what information they want. Our listing display format, "walking tour" description, and interior photo array effectively present your rental for today's renters. We provide the only website where renters get a fair and accurate independent description in a convenient search and compare format. Renters who want what your rental offers connect with you for an appointment, instead of to ask questions about features and amenities.
Follow Us
As a service to our owners, we use our LinkedIn page to post current information of general interest to apartment owners. We cover everything from rent trends, community business development / new employment, legislative changes affecting apartment owners, marketing tips / trends and relevant national research.